Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Yesterday's Bones

 Yesterday's bones
Always there
Weaved into my soul
Carried with care 
Sometimes a little heavy
But they are mine after all
Shaped by my eyes
My mind and my heart
I collected them  
Without knowing
As I traveled by night

"as much as I tried I couldn't stay within 140 characters of the prompt for twitter poetry on http://withrealtoads.blogspot.ca. I am to long winded" :)


  1. Sometimes its hard to let go of yesterday... as we struggle to embrace a new dawn clinging onto its remains.

  2. you have a gifted way with words - must be something in those old bones you carry around

  3. Yes, I like it and I relate. Old memories can be heavy - hard to let go.

  4. I can relate to this deeply Robert. i am the last of my family....and sometimes I feel like the sole soldier or knight that carries the memories of our family.

  5. I was struck by the line "carried with care" - which can be interpreted in many ways, which just adds a wonderful richness to this, even if not 140 characters! oh well, c'est la vie - and for some, now, Twitter is 280 characters. Just an aside. Besides, let the words breathe in their rightful space.

    I really enjoyed this.

  6. But they are mine after all
    Shaped by my eyes
    My mind and my heart

    This is all what one asks for, Robert - all of one's own!


  7. I collected them without knowing... despite our best intentions we are what we are.

  8. yes, we do collect a load of bones along the way.


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