Saturday, April 21, 2018


 You appear
On a schedule that is your own
Days weeks pass 
Then I will sense you
You might prance regally
Along the shore line
Or magically reveal yourself
At forest edge
Sitting majestically
With a knowing look

There will be conversation
Between my eyes and yours
We are similar in some ways
Age and experience
Weighs heavy on our souls
Lone wanderers we are
I have marked my land
As you marked yours
Each giving respect grown over time
We have accepted each other
A peace treaty of sorts

A stretch, a yawn
A nod of the head
You will be gone
Charging me no tarriff
A grace I return


  1. Your last stanza is outstanding. The whole poem is excellent but the last stanza is superb.

  2. Think Line One should read You appear

    Luv the silent simpatico between these two of animal and human being


    1. very good Gilena.. I didn't catch that thank you... :)

  3. I like the way your animal king comes and goes. At his own biding. Liking too the respect of each others', the animal and the human, authority boundaries. Very nice write, a bit on the elegant and formal side as I read it.

  4. Love how you describe the unspoken yet deep understanding (of a lifetime spent) between humans and animals 💜 Beautifully executed.

  5. Fine homage to a totem. Interesting title.

  6. I devoutly hope this is a true story! A wonderful story in any case, beautifully told.

    1. I crossed paths with him several years ago when I bought the cabin Rosemary... I have yet to see him this year but I have only been up there a day or two so far

  7. Oh how this poem sings to my heart. I lived with a wolf, as you know. And, at the farm, across the street, lives a gentle white wolf. She and I have a strong connection. I get teary every time I leave her as she lives with unawakened people. She is such a beautiful creature, and deserves so much.

  8. I admire the relationship between these two. The shared respect for boundaries, a special understanding between them. A lovely write.

  9. I love the balance you find in the end

  10. this is just so elegant - and very understated - yet speaks of the respect, that once acknowledged for the truth of boundaries, not for the taking, making or breaking, but for the honouring, means grace for one and all ....

    how miraculous is this - and rare ...

  11. Mutual respect between an animal and human is the way to live. Outstanding last lines.

  12. Back to visit your wolf again. Such a beautiful poem. Robert, your feature posts on Monday at 12:30 p.m. U.S. Central time. Thank you so much for saying yes!


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